Contoh Soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMA Terbaru

Contoh latihan soal UN yang akan membantu persiapanmu agar lebih mantap. Kali ini, yang dibahas adalah soal UN Bahasa Inggris. Tunggu apa lagi? Yuk, simak soal beserta pembahasannya!

Most people agree that some form of family limitation or spacing is desirable for the good of the family and society. But individuals and groups–especially religious groups–differ sharply on the methods of birth control that they consider moral and acceptable.
Couples that practice birth control do so for various reasons. They may want to limit or space their children, or to have no children at all. Young couples often postpone having children so that both partners can work full-time. Other couples space their children so they can give each child as much attention as possible. Some women are advised by their doctors to avoid pregnancy for health reasons. In many countries with rapidly growing populations, the government encourages couples to limit the size of their families.
Even though birth control has gained in acceptance, opposition to the practice is continuous. Some people fear that birth control encourages sexual relations outside marriage or that government might impose birth control. Some religious groups oppose birth control on moral grounds.
Some religious groups teach that artificial methods of birth control are immoral because they separate the two purposes of intercourse in marriage–conjugal love and the procreation of children. Although they oppose all artificial birth control, they consider natural family planning acceptable.
1. The issue of the text is ….
Jawaban: D (birth control)
Yang ditanyakan adalah ‘Apa isu dari teks di atas’ dan jawaban yang paling tepat untuk itu adalah jawaban (D) yang artinya pengontrol kelahiran. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari topik tentang hal yang diperdebatkan adalah tentang birth control/pengontrol kelahiran.
Apa saja yang ditawarkan-
Is it important to know what your kids are watching? Of course yes. Television can expose things you have tried to protect them from, especially violence, pornography, consumerism, etc.
A study demonstrated that spending too much time on watching TV during the day or at bedtime often causes bedtime disruption, stress, and short sleep duration.
Another research found that there is a significant relationship between the amount of time spent for watching television during adolescence and early adulthood, and the possibility of being aggressive.
Meanwhile, many studies have identified a relationship between kids who watch TV a lot and being inactive and overweight.
Considering some facts mentioned above, protect your children with the following tips: 1. Limit television viewing to 1-2 hours each day; 2. Do not allow your children to have a TV set in their bedrooms; 3. Review the rating TV shows that your children watch; 4. Watch television with you children and discuss what is happening in the show.
2. Too much TV watching can possibly lead to ....
A. government’s population programB. family planning programsC. family limitationD. birth controlE. sex control (1)
Jawaban: B (overweight)
Pembahasan  :
Yang diminta adalah meneruskan kalimat ‘Terlalu banyak menonton TV bisa menyebabkan ....’ maka jawaban yang tepat adalah jawaban (B) yang artinya kelebihan berat badan. Hal ini dijelaskan di paragraf ke 4 yang mengatakan ‘many studies have identified a relationship between kids who watch TV a lot and being inactive and overweight.’
Apa saja yang ditawarkan-
One day, Archie, his brother and sister (1) ... a hike in the hills. On their way to the hill a growl and a bark were heard somewhere nearby. The sound scared them so much that they started to cry. Archie's brother and sister ran quickly away as the wolf chase, but Archie did not run. He stayed there in (2) ... With an angry look, Archie showed no fear at all. He yelled at the wolf and it turned right around. It was (3) ... of him that it slipped on the ground. The wolf ran away through the trees, quickly out of his sight. When his brother and his sister saw what Archie did, they thought that Archie was truly a courageous kid.
3. What is the correct sentence or word to fill the (1) blank?
A. government’s population programB. family planning programsC. family limitationD. birth controlE. sex control (2)
Jawaban: D (went for)
Kata kunci dari jawaban ini adalah ‘a hike in the hills’ yang artinya pendakian di bukit. Maka jawaban yang tepat untuk itu adalah pilihan jawaban (D) yang artinya pergi untuk (mendaki di bukit). Sedangkan jawaban lainnya salah karena:
climbed down: menuruni
went through: melintasi
visited for: mengunjungi
left out: meninggalkan
4. What is the correct sentence or word to fill the (2) blank?
A. government’s population programB. family planning programsC. family limitationD. birth controlE. sex control (3)
Jawaban: D (went for)
Kata kunci dari jawaban ini adalah but Archie did not run. He stayed there in (2) ... yang artinya “tetapi Archie tidak lari, dia tetap disana di(2) ..... Maka jawaban yang tepat untuk itu adalah pilihan jawaban (C) yang artinya di tempatnya. Sedangkan pilihan jawaban lainnya salah karena:
the way: jalan
his sight: pandangannya
the ground: tanah
their place: tempat mereka
5. What is the correct sentence or word to fill the (3) blank?
A. government’s population programB. family planning programsC. family limitationD. birth controlE. sex control (4)
Jawaban: A (scared)
Pembahasan :
Kata kunci dari jawaban ini adalah ‘...Archie showed no fear at all dan ‘It was (3) ... of him that it slipped on the ground yang artinya “Archie tidak menunjukkana rasa takut” dan “Si rubah ... padanya, dia terpeleset di tanah.’. Maka jawaban yang tepat untuk itu adalah pilihan jawaban (A) yang artinya ketakutan. Sedangkan pilihan jawaban lainnya salah karena:
pleased: senang
annoyed: terganggu
terrified: ketakutan
shocked: terkejut
Apa saja yang ditawarkan-
ASEAN private companies and its dialogues partner countries are expected to be more actively engaged in the region's economic integration process, says ASEAN deputy secretary-general Pushpanathan Sundram. "We have provided several channels for ASEAN public officials and private sectors, such as regular consultation and business dialogues either industry associations or business councils from ASEAN and partner countries, he said during presentation at the ASEAN Trade Facilitation Forum in Manado, North Sulawesi, on Saturday. He explains that it was important for ASEAN to pay close attention to response and feedback from the private sector on the implementation of measures stipulated in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) blueprint.
The forum was jointly held the Indonesia Trade Ministry, the US Mission to ASEAN and US Agency for International Development (USAII) on the sidelines of the 43rd ASEAN Economy Minister's Meeting (AEMM). Sundram reveal the despite positive progress of AEC blueprint measure implementation, several challenges remained in place, such as how to ensure timely implementation of cutting issues such coordination at national and regional levels," I said.
6. How can private companies and public officials from ASEAN countries participate in the region's economic integration process?
A. government’s population programB. family planning programsC. family limitationD. birth controlE. sex control (5)
Jawaban: B (Through consultations and dialogues)
Yang ditanyakan adalah How can private companies and public officials from ASEAN countries participate in the region's economic integration process? (Bagaimana caranya perusahaan swasta dan pejabat publik dapat berpastisipasi dalam proses integrasi ekonomi kawasannya?).
Cara berpartisipasi dapat dilihat dari kalimat "We have provided several chanels for ASEAN public officials and private sectors, such as regular consultation and bussines dialogues".
Jadi caranya dengan konsultasi dan dialog.

Sumber : Blog Ruang Guru

Tag: soal bahasa inggris sma dan kunci jawaban, pembahasan soal un bahasa inggris sma 2015, soal un bahasa inggris sma dan kunci jawaban, soal un bahasa inggris sma 2016, soal un bahasa inggris sma 2017, soal un bahasa inggris sma dan kunci jawaban 2015, soal un bahasa inggris smk, download soal un bahasa inggris sma
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