Kumpulan bank soal bahasa inggris kelas 6 sd merupakan suatu kumpulan soal-soal baik yang baru maupun Yang lama.Sebagai bahan buat guru dalam mempersiapkan siswa-siswinya dalam menghadapi ujian sekolah yang akan di selengarakan sebentar lagi, kumpulan bank soal ini juga berguna untuk melatih siswa dalam mengerjakan soal . Sebagai sarana untuk membiasakan  diri dalam  menjawab soal pada ujian sekolah sesungguhnya. karena siswa sudah terbiasa mengerjakan soal baik yang sulit maupun yang mudah.
Pilihlah salah satu jawaban dengan memberi tanda silang (x) pada huruf a,b,c atau d  pada jawan yang tepat.

1. I......some popcorn
a. have
b. has
c. is
d. are
jawaban   = a

1.She has .....soup
a. a
b. an
c. some
d. any
Jawaban  =  a

3. There ......some candies in thejar
a. an
b. are
c. is
d. a
Jawaban  =  b

4. is there an egg on the plate ? no.......
a. there is
b. there are
c. there isn't
d. there aren't
Jawaban   =  b

5. the mean of cheese....
a. mie
b. keju
c. roti tawar
d. ayam
Jawaban  =  c

6. The mean of (sepatu roda)....
a. jump rope
b. slide
c. skateboard
d. in line skate
Jawaban  =  c

7. Shehasd some comics. There are ....some comics
a. his
b. their
c. her
d. our
Jawaban   = 

8. You have ball. these is.....a ball
a. your
b. his
c. her
d. their
Jawaban  =

9. ......toy carsare there Toni ?
a. what
b. when
c. whose
d. why
Jawaban  =

10. Can I (meminjam ) them ?
a. borrow
b. heve
c. take
d. bring
Jawaban  =  a

11. What.... your hobby
a. are
b. you
c. is
d. has
Jawaban  =  c

12. i (suku) cycling. suku in indonedia is ......
a. have
b. has
c. am
d. leke
Jawaban=  d
13. The mean 0f gardening is ......
a. berlari
b. bernyanyi
c. berkebun
d. bersepeda
Jawaban  = c

14. That is Arga'syoyo. it's.....
a. his
b. her
c. mine
d. ours
Jawaban   =

15. This is my puzzle. it's.....
a. ours
b. theirs
c. mine
d. her
jawaban  =

16. The first month is....
a. January
b. February
c. March
d. April
Jawaban   = a

17. This is a horse. the meaning of this sentence is....
a. ini adalah seekor gajah
b. ini adalahseekor hari mau
c. ini adalah seekor kuda
d. ini adalah seekor unta
Jawaban  = c

18. What the colour of jasmine ?
a. Ret
b. White
c. Yellow
d. Green
Jawaban = d

19. R-A-E-R-S-E arrange this word
a. Raerse
b. Erase
c. Aareser
d. Eraser
Jawaban  =  d

20. Tina,Mita and Putri .....students in elementary school.
a. Is
b. Am
C. Are
d. do
jawaban  = c

21. The bathroom is used to ....
a. Take a bed
b. Take a bath
c. Sleep
d. Cook
Jawaban   = c

22. Fandi       : are you happy
    Resa        : yes
a. youare
b. they are
c. I am
d. are you
Jawaban  = c

23. My fatheris a farmer. He work in the....
a. School
b. Hospital
c. Office
d. Ricefield
Jawaban   =  d

24. I usually have ..... in the evening
a. Lunch
b. Breakfast
c. Dinner
d. Drink
Jawaban  = c

25. The teacher write some word in the whiteboard with a ......
a. Chalk
b. Pincil
c. Pen
d. marker
Jawaban   = d

26. I can listen with my.....
a. Eye
b. Ear
c. Hair
Jawaban  =  b

27. Ifwe want to borrow and read book, we go to ....
a. Library
b. Bookstore
c. Bookmarket
d. Bookshop
Jawaban  = a

28. Doni an Dodi are very funny. Funny artinya....
a. Ganteng
b. Baik
c. Pintar
d. Lucu
Jawaban   = b

29. Garlie, spinach, carrot, are the kind of....
a. Fruits
b. Vegetables
c. Animal
d. Plants
Jawaban  = b

30. There are pillow,bloster, blanket in the....
a. Bahroom
b. Livingroom
c. Bedroom
d. Familyroom
Jawaban  = c

31. Next week,my parent will go to the Bandung. the underline word means.....
a. Orang tua
b. Bapak
c. Ayah
d. Kakek

32. Sit down, please !' the underline word mesns .....
a. Berlari
b. Berdiri
c. Duduk
d. Melompat
Jawaban  = c

33. There is a (Peta) .....beside the
a. Map
b. Flag
c. Wall
d. Chalk
Jawaban  = a

34. Ini adalah sekolah ku ,Translate into English is....
a. This is a school
b. That is a school
c. This is school
d. This is my school
Jawaban  =  d

35. Do you goto school on Sunday ? No....
a. I do
b. I don't
c. I does
d. I doesn't
Jawaban  = b

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